viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

Looking back in the past.

I think it's important to look back in the past (sometimes, not always!) in order to decide the best option. As a teacher, I consider that I should do the same. That's why I try to remember how my first English classes were as a student. If I understand an activity not only as a teacher, the final result must be adequate for the students, the teacher and the dynamic of the class.

For this reason, I have been looking for the old folders I kept at home during years (so many years that I don't understand how it's possible that they have survived until now!) and this page is one of the things I've found! I've took my camera and I've taken this photo for the blog!

This exercise was included in my first English folder, when I was eight years old. That's when I was in 3rd grade (3r de Primària), which was the start of my English studies at school. I can remember that the purpose of this activity was that each student had to choose one of the characters of the student's book (which was Fantastic Fanfare or something like that). After then, we had to draw that character and the first sentence we had had learnt. In this case, it was: "My name is...". I felt that that was a challenge because that was a different language. My Catalan and Spanish oral fluency and writing was really good but I was quite scared of learning a new language but I was also excited. After the years, I think that was a great beginning and that my English teachers have encouraged me to learn more and more!

1 comentario:

  1. I loved that photo! I think that's important to keep an eye on our own experiences so we know if, as a child, we enjoyed doing this or that in order to decide what kind of activities we would do as a teacher.
