viernes, 11 de enero de 2013

The little ant!

Once a teacher told me that I was like a little ant. She told me that because when I was little I was always working. Not too fast, not too slow, but constantly working. This is the idea of what being a teacher is: a person who  is always looking for new things to improve the way he/she teaches.

I thought that the last entry of this blog (by the moment) has to be focused on the future. To do that I must review all I have learnt until now. After doing this course, I have discovered new ways of teaching taking into account the learning styles and multiple intelligences (didactics), how to lay out a class (classroom management), what tools can be used (ICT and others) and what/when/how I can assess my students.

This has been just a brief explanation about what I have learnt and worked on during the course. I’m sure that when I’ll be teaching, I’ll come back to the ideas I have written in this blog to get inspiration. In general, I consider that I have improved in some many aspects and that my picture of the block explains my process of becoming the teacher I want to be.

jueves, 10 de enero de 2013

My PLE and the CLIL...connecting!

These tasks (PLE and CLIL) have been very useful because they have been done very different. Let's see it!

The PLE has been an individual work. I have had to look for my interests, my preferences and my ways to be updated in my day-a-day life but also as a teacher. Symbaloo was new for me. If I had to choose my favorite discover, it must be the Glogster. I’m sure that I will use it in class with my future pupils.

And what can I say about the CLIL? It was a group work and it makes that every member of the group is offering something unknown for the others. And this is always positive. It is not easy to connect two subjects but this is the way I would like to teach. Outside the walls of the school, children learn things connecting them, not separately. That’s why they would find difficult using English while learning different subjects.