viernes, 11 de enero de 2013

The little ant!

Once a teacher told me that I was like a little ant. She told me that because when I was little I was always working. Not too fast, not too slow, but constantly working. This is the idea of what being a teacher is: a person who  is always looking for new things to improve the way he/she teaches.

I thought that the last entry of this blog (by the moment) has to be focused on the future. To do that I must review all I have learnt until now. After doing this course, I have discovered new ways of teaching taking into account the learning styles and multiple intelligences (didactics), how to lay out a class (classroom management), what tools can be used (ICT and others) and what/when/how I can assess my students.

This has been just a brief explanation about what I have learnt and worked on during the course. I’m sure that when I’ll be teaching, I’ll come back to the ideas I have written in this blog to get inspiration. In general, I consider that I have improved in some many aspects and that my picture of the block explains my process of becoming the teacher I want to be.

1 comentario:

  1. Gemma, I love your drawing and your story about the ant. You are certainly very constant and you have done very good work in this course! Thank you for your final reflections. I´m very happy that you have found the course helpful and that you look forward to putting some of these ideas into practice and experimenting with them. It´s been a pleasure learning with you Gemma! Best, Theresa
