sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2012

what I found while I was thinking about Multiple Intelligences and Literacy.

I was looking for some ideas about Multiple Intelligences and Literacies and I found this picture. I think it's the main idea of what we've been talking about since we started this course. It is important to know the background that every child has and what he's expecting of his/her own learning progress. The teacher needs to take in account what happens when he/she explains an activity or when he/she asks a task in class. I won't be the same for all children. The teacher must know if some children can understand the language we use. If it's not, what can we do? It's important that the students that speak other languages feel comfortable and not different. The whole class has to know that this isn't a bad thing (in fact, it's precisely the other way round!).

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

Multiple intelligences!

This picture is about Multiple Intelligences. After reading a Gardner chat, I've been thinking about this idea, the fact that there are different intelligences. The way we learn depends on how we've been taught and our natural aptitudes. Everyone uses one way or another to study, to learn and to live because that's easier for him/her. That's because he/she is used to it and that repetition makes him/her better at it.

In a class, every child finds easier some types of activities than others depending on how capable they see themselves doing them. As teachers, we must know what kind of learners are our students in order to make them more competent in that aspects in which they feel not good enough. It's not easy, but the teacher has to make an effort to create all kind of materials and activities. If not, only the students who are good at some way of learning will achieve the objectives, the others won't.

That's the reason why I think that knowing more about the Multiple Intelligences is necessary for a future teacher.